Climate Change Levy White Paper – An Analysis of 2017/18 vs 2019/20 CCL Rates

As we stated in our Energy in 2018 newsletter that we sent out at the beginning of the year: “Energy costs will continue to rise, so it is important now more than ever to put energy in your financial concerns for 2018 and beyond. We cannot stress this enough, especially with Climate Change Levy (CCL) rates on the increase.”
In the interest of providing as much information as possible to address these concerns, we have created our first white paper on the increase in CCL rates.
This paper looks at seven key sectors and how their costs will be affected by CCL based on actual energy consumption. The key finding is the average increase in CCL costs, per site, for 2019/20 is 56%.
We highly recommend that any business that expects to see an increase in their CCL costs reads this paper.
If you have any questions or queries, please do not hesitate to contact me on 07921 568 439, Andrew on 07876 196 921 or email us at