CRC Briefing Update – 2018/2019

The government has issued its latest CRC Energy Efficiency Scheme participant update, the most salient points are covered below:
The Final Forecast Sale of Allowances window closes on 30th April 2018
The 2018/2019 forecast sale of allowances window will close on Monday 30 April 2018. Any allowances ordered during this time can be used towards your compliance obligation within Phase 2 for the compliance year 2018/2019. Allowances purchased in this forecast sale will not be valid for the present compliance year 2017/2018. The forecast sale is entirely optional. You will be able to order allowances for your 2017/2018 commitment in the compliance sale (also known as the buy to comply sale) from the 1st June 2018 to 31st July 2018.
The prices for allowances for each of the remaining allowance sale windows are as follows:
CRC Scheme Year | Forecast Sale Price (3rd April – 30th April) |
Compliance Sale Price (1st June – 31st July) |
2017/2018 | Closed | £17.70 |
2018/2019 | £17.20 | £18.30 |
Please note this is anticipated to be the final sale of Forecast Allowances. It is anticipated that the last buy to comply sale will be in June/July 2019. Excess allowances held after reconciling your final commitment for the 2018/19 compliance year will not normally be refunded. It is therefore important you ensure you have the correct number of allowances to surrender in October 2019.
CRC Registration for Phase Three
In the 2016 spring budget the Chancellor announced that the UK Government has decided to close the CRC from the end of the current Phase (Phase 2). Legislation at present requires registration for Phase 3 of CRC by the 31st January 2019 and organisations that qualify for CRC (by using 6GWh of qualifying electricity from 1st April 2017 to 31st March 2018) are required to continue to fully participate in CRC.
You should therefore determine whether or not your organisation would qualify for Phase 3 of CRC. However, in the light of the Government’s announcement you may wish to delay actual registration until closer to the January 2019 deadline.
Important Information About Designated Changes
Before submitting your annual report each year, it is important you have told the scheme administrators about any designated changes which have occurred during the year. We recommend any designated changes for the 2017/2018 compliance year are notified as soon as possible to ensure adequate time for making any changes required. You won’t be able to submit your annual report for the compliance year until these changes are made.
Annual Supplier Statements
You may need to request an annual statement from your energy supplier to obtain the necessary information required for your annual report. Annual reports need to be submitted by the last working day of July. Please note energy suppliers have up to 6 weeks after the end of the year (31st March) to provide the report. Therefore we would strongly advise you request this from your energy supplier (if applicable) as soon as possible to avoid any potential issues later in the year.
Account Maintenance
If any of your authorised contacts/details have changed please ensure this is updated within the Registry. Please be aware Primary and Secondary contacts are responsible for maintaining their own CRC account. This includes updating/amending contact information.
Contacts should only request the Environment Agency update these details on their behalf where all named contacts have left the organisation.
CRC Packages
2EA® offer three main CRC packages, CRC Management, CRC Reporting and CRC Audit Compliance to help you meet the requirements of the scheme. Quotations for individual packages are available on request: CRC Packages.
If you require any further information about CRC or any of the other services 2EA® provide, please feel free to get in touch.