Energy Savings Opportunity Scheme (ESOS) – 12th April 2024

Manage your Energy Savings Opportunity Scheme (MESOS)
The Manage your Energy Savings Opportunity Scheme reporting system (MESOS) went live on Tuesday 19th March 2024. If you have not yet registered, we recommend you do so as soon as possible in preparation for completing the notification of compliance.
As previously detailed, MESOS is being released in two stages. The initial release allows all participants to register their Phase 3 user and organisational accounts, and the second release will enable participants to complete and submit their notifications of compliance. This second release is scheduled, subject to satisfactory final testing, to be by the end of April.
MESOS Webinar – Wednesday 24th April 2024
Following the webinar on Phase 3 changes which took place in January, the next webinar will provide an update on the new “Manage your Energy Savings Opportunity Scheme” (MESOS) reporting system.
The session will look at the next release which will enable participants to start completing and submitting notifications of compliance. Additionally, it will cover Action Plans and other areas where we have received questions from scheme participants.
Compliance Notification Enforcement Extension Position Statement
With the new IT system now live and the requirement of a two-stage compliance notification process, the Environment Agency have taken steps to help participants complete compliance in a timely manner by providing this position statement:
For organisations qualifying for Phase 3 of ESOS, the deadline for submitting a compliance notification is the 5th June 2024 and organisations should still look to meet this compliance notification deadline where possible.
However, the Environment Agency and Regulators for the Devolved Administrations will not take enforcement action against you if you do not comply with this legal requirement, provided that you meet both of the following conditions:
- Registration of your account in the new IT system has been completed by the 5th June 2024.
- You submit your notification of compliance by the 6th August 2024.
This regulatory enforcement extension period will cease after the 6th August 2024.
Registering a “Do Not Qualify” Status
To notify the Environment Agency that you do not qualify for ESOS Phase 3 then you can do so within the new Digital service. The first step will be to complete the registration process (available now). When the second release goes live you will then need to complete only the first task of the Notification of Compliance.
This will ask if you qualify for ESOS with two options of Yes or No. If you select the No option, you can add text as to why you don’t qualify and then submit your response.