Energy Savings Opportunity Scheme (ESOS) – 6th September 2024

Extension to ESOS Action Plan Deadline
For organisations qualifying for Phase 3 of ESOS, the deadline for submitting your ESOS Action Plan is the 5th December 2024.
The requirements for the Action Plan are already set out in legislation and ESOS guidance.
The Environment Agency (EA) will publish more guidance and an example of the online system template on or before the 1st November 2024. By that date the required functionality in MESOS should be available.
Organisations should still look to meet the 5th December 2024 deadline where possible.
The EA appreciates there has been a delay in providing the MESOS digital service and the functionality to submit an Action Plan is not yet available. To assist participants in preparing and submitting their Action Plans, The EA and Regulators for the Devolved Administrations will accept submitted Action Plans provided that you submit them by the 5th March 2025.
The EA will work with participants towards submitting all Action Plans as soon as possible and before 5th March 2025 to ensure they are able to publish data from the action plans in accordance with the Regulations.
If there are any delays these will be communicated by the EA, and the timings maybe revised.
MESOS Action Plan Testing
The EA are seeking volunteers for user-testing of new functionalities in the MESOS reporting system around Action Plan requirements. These concern the public disclosure of measures that ESOS participants intend to implement before the next compliance date for ESOS (5th December 2027) in order to reduce their energy consumption.