Energy Savings Opportunity Scheme (ESOS) – 7th February 2024

ESOS Action Plan
Participants are required to set an action plan for future energy saving measures. The action plan must include:
- What participants intend to do to reduce energy consumption, and when they intend to do it
- Whether this was a recommendation from an ESOS assessment
- Projected savings and how these were estimated
The action plan must be submitted by 5th December 2024, to cover from 6th December 2023 to 5th December 2027.
Annual Progress Updates
Participants are required to provide an annual progress report to report progress against their action plans. The annual progress update must include:
- Which energy saving actions participants completed
- Estimated savings from the completed actions
The deadline for the first progress update is 5th December 2025, and for the second progress update is 5th December 2026.
Action plans and progress reports must be submitted, even if no action is to be taken. If action plans or progress reports are not submitted, the Environment Agency will publish that you do not intend to carry our any energy saving action.