Energy Savings Opportunity Scheme Update – 13th June 2023 (ESOS)

Extension to Phase 3 Compliance Deadline
As set out in our earlier briefing note, participants are required to comply with Phase 3 of ESOS
and Government still intends to make the changes announced in its response to the ESOS
To ensure there is reasonable time for participants to meet the new requirements and for
assessors to carry out assessments, ESOS participants will not be required to comply until 5 th June
2024, the revised deadline for when they will be required to notify compliance.
This extension is in line with requests from stakeholders. Whilst the compliance date has been
extended, the qualification thresholds and date remain unchanged. ESOS still applies to all
organisations that were classed as large undertakings on 31 December 2022.
Participants are reminded that notifications cannot be submitted until the Phase 3 requirements
have been finalised in legislation and the updated IT system, which is currently being developed,
has been appropriately tested.
The system will be made available in time to enable participants to meet notification requirements
ahead of this extended compliance date.