ESOS Compliance Date

The deadline for submitting evidence of compliance for Phase 3 ESOS is looming – you must ensure you submit before 5th June 2024.
ESOS Notification Date
If your organisation qualifies for the Energy Saving Opportunity Scheme (ESOS), you must notify the Environment Agency to confirm that you have complied using the new Manage your Energy Savings Opportunity Scheme (MESOS) system.
Compliance Date Moved
The cut-off date, previously 5th December 2023, has been moved back to allow for reasonable time for members to meet the new requirements. This has been further extended to the 6th August 2024 as long as you have registered with the MESOS system.
No Longer Compliant
If your organisation had previously qualified for Phase 2, but no longer qualifies for Phase 3, you will still need to submit a Do Not Qualify notification to the Environment Agency, via the portal used for your compliance notification.
Failure to Meet Deadline
You should aim to meet the new deadline date, however, if you are unable to, the Environment Agency will not take enforcement action, as long as:
- Your account was registered in the system by 5th June 2024
- You submit your notification of compliance by 6th August 2024
ESOS Explained
ESOS is an energy assessment scheme, which requires UK organisations to identify energy-saving opportunities, with the goal of reducing their carbon emissions. Organisations must declare participation at least once every four years. All organisations that participate in ESOS are expected to produce a report, action plan and annual progress reports. Additionally, they must now also publicly disclose high-level recommendations.
Need Help?
2EA offers an ESOS Management Package to help guide you through each step of the process. If you need help, or are unsure of how to get started, contact us now for a quotation and to talk through your requirements.