Carbon Reduction Planning Packages
2EA Consulting will undertake the management/maintenance of the clients Carbon Reduction Plan on an
annual basis. This package includes:
Package 1: Carbon Reduction Plan
2EA Consulting will undertake the management of the clients Carbon Reduction Plan on an annual basis. This package includes:
Production of a Carbon Reduction Plan for the client’s business, including, but not limited to:
- Identify which parts of the business need to be included.
- Identify possible Carbon Reduction Strategies.
- Identify which activities in the business release greenhouse gas emissions.
- Identify emission Scopes (Scope 1, Scope 2 & Scope 3).
- Identify baseline emissions footprint.
- Collect and correlate consumption/emissions data.
- Provide ongoing consultancy services to the client with regards to decarbonisation issues.
Package 2: Carbon Reduction Strategy
2EA Consulting will undertake the creation of the clients Carbon Reduction Strategy. This package includes:
Create a business wide Carbon Reduction Strategy, including, but not limited to:
- Establish emission reduction targets.
- Identify target type (Absolute/Intensity Ratio).
- Identify target boundaries (Greenhouse gas emissions, geographic operations, sources and activities).
- Identify target completion date.
- Determine best route for implementation of the emissions reduction plan.
- Carry out an on-site energy reduction audit and provide reporting.
- Identify carbon reduction projects.
- Advice on investment in energy efficient appliances.
- Advice on reducing waste emissions.
- Advice on developing a route to decarbonisation for on-site generation (CHP).
- Advice on investment in on-site low carbon energy generation.
- Advice on reductions in heating demand.
- Advice on reductions in cooling demand.
- Advice on reductions lighting demand.
- Provide ongoing consultancy services to the client with regards to decarbonisation issues.
We provide ongoing consultancy services to the client with regards to decarbonisation issues.