2EA Featured in CIBSE Journal

Recently, Sebastian Gray of 2EA® was engaged to carry out a Display Energy Certificate (DEC) assessment at the Marriott Hotel in Heathrow, London where he was joined by CIBSE journalist Liza Young.
As one of the first ESOS Lead Assessors, a registered Low Carbon Energy Assessor and Low Carbon Consultant, Sebastian has carried out a number of DEC assessments during his time as a Director of 2EA®.
The purpose of such an assessment is to provide an up-to-date snapshot of a building’s energy performance based upon actual energy consumption. As part of this annual assessment 2EA® also carries out an on-site audit to highlight areas where further savings can be made.
The Marriott, Heathrow
The Marriott Heathrow belongs to Marriott International Inc., a large hospitality company specialising in hotels. Besides having hundreds of rooms that require lighting, heating and air conditioning, this large hotel also contains a number of facilities including a gym, kitchens and a swimming pool. The energy consumption of a hotel this size is extremely high, therefore it is essential that it operates as efficiently as possible to reduce the effect it has on the environment, save money and remain compliant with multiple legal obligations.
Liza Young, from the CIBSE Journal accompanied Sebastian on his visit in order to help her gain a better understanding of the process and to find out exactly what energy assessors look for during an energy audit.
The Visit
During Sebastian’s visit he was able to highlight a number of areas for improvement and give advice on how the hotel’s engineering manager can improve energy efficiency.
Over time Sebastian has learned how to quickly assess if an area is wasting energy. Some of the key points he looks for include heat escaping from poorly insulated pipe work in plant rooms, fryers been turned on too early in kitchens and gas burners on when not in use.
Sebastian was also able to offer advice on saving water by recommending installing percussion, or infrared, taps in restrooms along with efficient hand dryers to replace paper towels. He also gives mention to ensuring that door seals are effective and properly installed in air condition and heated areas such as swiming pools, to improve efficiency.
The CIBSE Journal
Following the DEC assessment an article detailing the visit was published in February’s edition of the CIBSE Journal. CIBSE (the Chartered Institution of Building Services Engineers) is the standard setter and authority on building services engineering and provides information and education services to support professionals and promote good practices.
The CIBSE Journal article quotes Andrew Geens, head of CIBSE Certification, expressing the importance of auditors like Sebastian and highlighting the need to sell ESOS recommendations and thus encourage company directors to act upon the suggestions made in energy reports.
Sebastian also mentions that although audits can appear daunting, our main purpose is to highlight areas in which a company can save money.
To view the full article please view the PDF document below. For more information on ESOS, Display Energy Certificate assessments or any of the other services 2EA® offer please take a look at our services page.