2G Energy – Hydrogen CHP webinar with CIBSE Certification Ltd

On Tuesday 20th April, Martin Kenzie of 2G Energy will be leading a webinar on the UK’s first hydrogen CHP.
The webinar will include:
- A look at the work 2G Energy have done over 8 years running CHPs with 100% hydrogen.
- The technical changes made to the engine design to enable hydrogen running
- Projects that they have delivered, the sources of the hydrogen and the environmental benefits of fuel switching.
To join this free webinar, please follow the link below:
Meet the Speaker:
Martin Kenzie
Martin Graduated Liverpool University (JMU) with a degree in electronics with a specialism in power systems back in 1991. He is now 2G Energy UK Sales Manager, focusing on the hydrogen scaling up of the UK market and the fuel switching for engines.
Martin previously worked for multinational corporations and the big 6 energy firms and has worked on power generation projects for over 25 years across the globe; covering everything from small scale generation to energy from waste projects.
Having worked with many renewable technologies and renewable fuels from biogas, biodiesels, and pure plant oil, Martin is an advocate for hydrogen and the role it can have in decarbonising our workplaces and homes.