CHPQA Submissions Deadline

The CHPQA deadline is fast approaching and you must submit your application to the government by 31st March 2023. We would recommend you start correlating the necessary data now, so as to avoid leaving it to the last minute.
What is the CHPQA Programme?
The Combined Heat and Power Quality Assurance (CHPQA) Programme is a government initiative that provides a practical method for assessing all types and sizes of CHP schemes. Combined Heat and Power (CHP) provides a cost effective process for making energy savings and the CHPQA aims to monitor, assess and improve the quality of UK Combined Heat and Power.
The CHPQA Programme is voluntary, but the government is committed to increasing the UK’s CHP capacity due to the benefits it can bring together with its contribution to security of supply.
As part of maintaining your CHPQA certification, you must submit your annual energy data to the government.
Once submitted, and verified, you’ll receive a CHPQA Certificate which will allow you to claim the benefits for Good Quality CHP; such as Climate Change Levy (CCL) exemption and reduction in Business Rates, where applicable.
CHPQA Application
The first step to CHPQA certification is to register by completing an F1 Form, which provides ownership and location details of the CHP scheme. Once submitted, you will then be able to access the online portal for data submission.
When completing your application you have a choice of ‘Simple’ or ‘Complex’ scheme.
A scheme is defined as ‘simple’ if it meets the following criteria:
- Generating capacity < 2 MWe
- Single reciprocating engine
- Single conventional fuel used
- No heat only boiler present
In comparison, a scheme is complex if it meets any of the following:
- Generating capacity ≥ 2 MWe
- Prime mover other than a reciprocating engine
- Non-conventional/mixed fuel usage
- Fired boiler(s) included within the scheme boundary
Complex schemes have the same sequence of forms to fill in as simple schemes, but they require more detail.
You can view our easy to understand CHPQA Registration Flow Diagram here.
What’s Required Now?
Your current CHPQA certificate expires on the 31st December 2022. For you to maintain your Climate Change Levy (CCL) exemption, you will need a new CHPQA Certificate in 2023 based on 2022 operational data.
You must complete your CHPQA Self-Assessment and submit to the CHPQA Administrator no later than 31st March 2023.
Help with CHPQA Application
2EA are experts in completing/submitting CHPQA applications and if you need help with your submission, please get in touch now.