Rumford Club 2021 Programme

About The Club
Originally formed in 1947 to address mainly technical topics around air movement such as air conditioning. The Rumford club has developed a broader view of potential subjects within the built environment and engineering services sector. The club provides an opportunity for professionals from an array of fields to meet and debate the issues of the past, present and future.
The Rumford club is a social dining and debate club with regular dinner meetings which are typically held in London. Each dinner has a keynote speaker and topic of debate.
It is a private members club attracting consultants, contractors, manufacturers, educators and researchers and many more across the sectors. The club aims to be inclusive rather than exclusive and they regularly welcome dinner guests. There are no age restrictions. However, they do ask that members are expected to have sufficient understanding and experience within the industry and contribute actively to the dinners, reputation and wellbeing of the club.
The clubs new season starts in October 2021 and the incoming chair, Sebastian Gray, has set out the programme for the year, which can be found below.
Chair Welcome Letter
Dear Members,
When I wrote my letter to you last February (2020) outlining the upcoming year, I stated how progressive we had been in setting up a charitable arm, a summer drinks event, new branding and a new website with a digital payment platform. We had no idea the disruption this pandemic would cause to us all, but this has not held us back.
For the first time in Rumford history, we held our first online event with Pat Churchard hosting what would have been the March dinner with guest speaker Cameron Folly. You can watch and read about this here.
Looking forward, this new season marks the start of our 75th anniversary. This is a time to celebrate, to see old friends, make new ones and debate the topics of today with our guest speakers. The committee has been working hard to secure the National Liberal Club for the season. As you have been informed there is a slight increase to our dinner rates. The committee did investigate other venues to ensure we were offering the best value for money for our members and we believe we made the best decision choosing the NLC.
An overview of each dinner can be found at the end of this letter, along with information on the seasons black tie. Prior to each dinner, we will be sending out a brief bio and an outline of what each presentation will be about.
I hope that all of you can make these dinners. Please remember to add these dates to your calendars, book online and do not forget guests are always welcome. If you are unable to bring guests. We would hope that you continue to help promote the club to colleagues, with the aim of attracting new members to keep the spirit of the Rumford Club alive for another 75 years.
Sebastian Gray
Incoming Rumford Chair
Upcoming Dinners
Thursday 14th October 2021 Limited to 47 places |
Chris Marsland |
Wednesday 17th November 2021 Limited to 47 places |
Ian Pillay |
Thursday 2nd December 2021 |
Lukasz Bednarski |
Thursday 20th January 2022 |
Simon Wyatt |
Wednesday 23rd February 2022 |
Ruth Carter, |
Thursday 17th March 2022 |
Sharon Duffy, |
Rumford Club Black Tie – TBA
The end of this season will celebrate the official date of our clubs founding and the committee believe this is worth a celebration. We are therefore working towards having our annual black tie at the House of Lords in May 2022.
More information on this event to follow later in the year but we do recommend reserving your spaces as soon as possible.
How to join?
If you are interested in becoming a member and attending any of the dinners, you can apply through their website; Membership starts at £30 per annum with subsequent costs for each dinner of £70.