Rumford Club – February Dinner: The Future of CIBSE

The Rumford club is a social dining and debate club with regular dinner meetings which are typically held in London. Each dinner has a keynote speaker and topic of debate.
The Rumford Club is a private members club that attracts consultants, contractors, manufacturers, educators and researchers and many more across the builtenvironment and engineering services sector.The club aims to be inclusive and regularly welcomes dinner guests. There are no age restrictions. However, they do ask that members are expected to have sufficient understanding and experience within the industry and contribute actively to the dinners, reputation and wellbeing of the club.
The Rumford Club’s third dinner of the season will be held in the David Lloyd George room at the National Liberal Club in London on Wednesday 23rd February 2022. This month’s guest speaker is Ruth Carter, CEO of CIBSE.
Ruth Carter
Ruth Carter has over 25 years experience in launching, leading and transforming organisations to achieve high-level, sustainable growth in the exhibition, events, training, publishing, digital and media sectors. Ruth is skilled in leading large and complex programmes of process, product, technology change and geographic expansion as well as fast-track growth for smaller enterprises.
Ruth became the new CEO of CIBSE in 2021. She serves as a NED for Actuate UK and the Women in Exhibitions Network and is Chairman of AIMed. She is also a judge for the National Diversity Awards and an executive mentor for the Government backed mentoring programme; Be the Businesses.
About the topic
Ruth strongly believes building services engineers have come of age and everything CIBSE stands for is coming front and centre; whether through environmental governmental pressures or consumer pressure.
Ruth will be discussing her strategy, vision and what she intends to achieve for CIBSE in her time as CEO. She will explain how CIBSE can lead delivery of the safe, net-zero carbon buildings required to meet new carbon emissions targets and building safety rules. Ruth is intent on creating a modern, exemplary, professional engineering institution that can respond to the needs of the building services community.
Her first task as CEO is to understand what that means by listening to CIBSE communities, from in and outside the Institution, and working out how best to serve them.
As part of her presentation, she will be open to hearing the views of Rumford members who are also long standing members of CIBSE.