Using Anaerobic Digestion to Convert Organic Waste into Renewable Energy

It is a well-known fact that global waste levels are catastrophically high, especially in terms of food and animal waste. Therefore, we need to think of ways in which we can turn our waste into renewable energy.
Fortunately, studies have been carried out and the most effective way to do this is believed to be through anaerobic digestion.
What is Anaerobic Digestion?
Anaerobic digestion is the process where organic matter such as food or animal waste is broken down to produce biofertiliser and biogas. The process takes place in the absence of oxygen in a sealed, oxygen-free tank called an anaerobic digester.
A number of anaerobic digestion technologies can be used to convert high strength industrial wastewater, livestock manure, food waste, municipal wastewater solids and residuals, fats, oils and grease (FOG), and other organic waste streams into biogas.
From this, separated digested solids can be utilized for dairy bedding, composted, applied to cropland or converted into other products.
Why is it Important?
Not only can the environment benefit from the use of anaerobic digestion to produce bioenergy but so can farmers, the government and industries. This process will help lower our levels of waste and convert it into something we can use to help our environment.
It has been a long time coming since talk about this began and we can only hope that the implementation is successful so we can use anaerobic digestion more to help eliminate our waste levels left in our environment. It should be transformed into something useful, not left to rot.
2EA® are registered Low Carbon Energy Assessors, Consultants and ESOS Lead Assessors, offering both energy management and reduction services ranging from CCL/CHPQA Management to Energy Saving Opportunity Scheme (ESOS) and Carbon Reduction Commitment (CRC) consultancy.
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