Combined Heat and Power Quality Assurance Scheme Stakeholder Engagement, 2016

As you are no doubt aware the Government has issued the “Combined Heat and Power Quality Assurance Scheme Stakeholder Engagement, 2016” which proposes amendments to the current CHPQA Standard to reflect changes in the operation/efficiencies of CHP Schemes.
Whilst the majority of the proposed changes will not affect our clients there are some significant changes that you need to be aware of and these are mainly to do with the X and Y factors used to determine the Quality Index (QI) of your scheme.
From the 1st Jan 2016 all newly registered CHP schemes (F3’s submitted after the 1st Jan 2016) will have to use the new values from the 1st Jan 2017; existing schemes will be grandfathered in at a date yet to be determined.
The proposed changes to the CHPQA X and Y Factors and new size breaks are outlined in the document below; significant changes have been highlighted along with a copy of the Stakeholder Document for a full description of the proposed changes.
We hope that this meets with your approval and should you have any questions regarding this matter; please do not hesitate to contact us.