
Don’t turn it off!

Posted on 15th February 2022


Following on from our look at the international and national factors effecting the current energy (price) crisis. We look at the savings of keeping your CHP running during these times. 

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Energy Efficiency: It’s Now or Never

Posted on 9th February 2022

We are now four months into an ongoing energy (price) crisis. At the same time as announcing the price cap will be increased by £693 (54%) to £1,971, the government announced an energy loan of £200 that, from October 2022, will either reduce bills or be given as a bill of credit. But of course, there’s a catch. For the next five years, on April 1st energy bills will be automatically increased by £40; that’s like putting a plaster on a gaping wound.

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Energy in 2022

Posted on 12th January 2022

As we begin 2022, many of us are still processing the events of 2020, let alone 2021. From an industry perspective, the current energy crisis has added fuel to the fire. Amongst our usual round ups for the year ahead, we explore what the impact of these price increases mean in financial terms, take a look at the new Green Gas Levy and provide a summary of consultations, notices, policies and upcoming legislation that may affect your business.

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Rumford Club – December Dinner: Lithium and battery economy in geopolitical context

Posted on 18th November 2021


Originally formed in 1947 to address mainly technical topics around air movement such as air conditioning. The Rumford club has developed a broader view of potential subjects within the built environment and engineering services sector. The club provides an opportunity for professionals from an array of fields to meet and debate the issues of the past, present and future.

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