Following our recent webinar: CHP Operation – Financial and Carbon Savings, we received a number of CHP questions from those that attended the webinar. We didn’t have time to answer them all during the webinar so our experts sat down to answer them all below.
On Monday 18th May, Andrew Gardner of 2EA, in conjunction with Chris Marsland and CIBSE Certification Ltd, took part in a webinar on Combined Heat and Power (CHP) operations, looking at both financial and carbon savings.
The Ambarnaya river is located in the heart of Russia and flows in a northerly direction into Lake Pyasino. A study in 1999 on Russian Economic Development found that the river was so badly polluted by the mining industry that fishing was no longer possible.
Trade figures based on data from September 2019, suggest there are a total of 1,277 hospitals in the United Kingdom; this includes both NHS Trust managed sites and private hospitals. Add on an extra twenty hospitals (the amount the government pledges to build) and that brings the potential total to 1,297 in the UK.
On Monday 18th May at 3pm, Andrew Gardner of 2EA, in conjunction with Chris Marsland and CIBSE Certification Ltd, will be leading a webinar on Combined Heat and Power (CHP) operations, looking at both financial and carbon savings.