Author: admin

The Cost of Being 6ft Under

Posted on 12th February 2020

Every day, we are encouraged to take action against climate change. No matter where you go for your daily instalment of news and information, whether its a website, television or social media, you can guarantee that you will come across at least one story that highlights the impact we are all having on the environment and the importance of change.

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Polar bears are not endangered, these are…

Posted on 25th September 2019

With their cute eyes, fluffy white looking fur, big paws and sometimes clumsy cubs, polar bears have been the face of climate change for years. They have been used in images around the world – one polar bear in particular shot to fame when a photographer captured it looking extremely thin and gaunt for National Geographic. This image exploded with the headline ‘this is what climate change looks like’ but like most news in today’s society, this caption turned out to be misleading. There was no proof that climate change had caused this single polar bear to become so skinny; it was even highlighted by the National Geographical team that it entered the water and swam away with no difficulty. 

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