The Climate Change Levy (CCL) is a government tax, applied to energy use, and is designed to encourage businesses to be more energy efficient, therefore reducing their carbon emissions and their impact on the environment.
Recently, Sebastian Gray of 2EA® was engaged to carry out a Display Energy Certificate (DEC) assessment at the Marriott Hotel in Heathrow, London where he was joined by CIBSE journalist Liza Young.
The Carbon Reduction Commitment is a compulsory emissions trading scheme introduced by the Government in April 2010. The scheme is aimed at large business and public sector organisations such as; government departments, retailers, banks, universities, hotel chains, water companies and local authorities.
As a company, 2EA® helps a lot of commercial clients to save energy; we also understand that the home is just as important as the work place. That is why we have identified 10 energy saving ideas that you can use in your home to save energy, save money and reduce carbon emissions.