
Plastics – Resin Codes. What do they mean?

Posted on 30th January 2018


As part of our short article series on plastic, we have so far looked at the basics of what each recycling symbol means. However, within this article, we have decided to take it one step further and delve deeper into resin codes and explain what each label means.

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Recycling Is Essential, But What Do the Symbols Mean?

Posted on 23rd January 2018

Last month, we looked at a very serious case of what toxic pollutants and unrecycled waste can do to our Oceans. Lulu, an innocent Killer Whale, became victim to this when she was found washed up on the Scottish Island of Tiree after becoming entangled in fishing ropes. When examining the corpse, researchers also found an alarming amount of polychlorinated biphenyl (PCBs) in her system.

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