Thanks to a gusty start to the summer, during one lunchtime in June the UK managed to produce more than half its electricity demand across one hour from renewables. This is only the second time that this has happened, with the first occurrence just a couple of months earlier, in April.
Email evidence shows that employees at the US Department of Agriculture (USDA) have been advised to avoid using the term ‘climate change’ in their work, and should replace it with ‘weather extremes’ instead.
With the General Election on 8th June 2017 fast approaching the pressure’s on for each party to get across its policies. We, 2EA®, have reviewed each main parties manifesto and have provided a summary below of each party’s views on UK energy and climate policy.
With the dust starting to settle after Britain voting to exit the EU and the process of separation underway, it is essential that the government ensure important energy and climate change policies remain unscathed, and that the right deals are made during the negotiations, in order for Britain to remain a leader in the low-carbon field.