As you are no doubt aware the Government has issued the “Combined Heat and Power Quality Assurance Scheme Stakeholder Engagement, 2016” which proposes amendments to the current CHPQA Standard to reflect changes in the operation/efficiencies of CHP Schemes.
A wind turbine, technically known as an Aerofoil Powered Generator, is a device that converts kinetic energy from the wind into electrical power. They are the result of over a millennium of windmill development and modern engineering. Today’s turbines are available in a variety of vertical and horizontal axis types.
Heat meter verification is the process or procedure by which the correct operation of the heat meter installation is confirmed within a Combined Heat & Power Unit or CHP as it is commonly known.
Since their introduction over eight years ago, Display Energy Certificates (DECs) have helped to provide countless businesses with valuable information about their buildings energy consumption. In a recent article on the CIBSE Blog, CIBSE Research Associate in Energy Benchmarking Sung-Min Hong of University College London gives his thoughts on the value of DECs and their future.
Forth Ports Limited is one of the United Kingdom’s largest port operators. Based in Edinburgh, Scotland, Forth Ports operates five ports on the Firth of Forth and two ports elsewhere.