For decades the importance of dealing with energy and energy management has not been at the forefront for most businesses. Much of this is because businesses believed energy was a fixed cost and lacked an understanding of how, when and what to do to manage their energy properly and sometimes even why proper energy management is important.
The threat of climate change is real. It’s happening. Despite what some people lead us to believe, we are and will be responsible for wiping out numerous species of animals and plants.
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The UN Environment Emissions Gap Report 2017 (an annual analysis of emissions released every year since 2010) presents an assessment of current national mitigation efforts and the targets that individual countries have presented in their Nationally Determined Contributions, which form the foundation of the Paris Agreement.
The effect climate change and global warming has on wildlife is a hugely debated subject. Typically, when we discuss how global warming impacts animals that reside in colder climates, the Arctic and its polar bears are the go-to topic of conversation. However, researchers in Norway have been discussing the not-so-clear effect that rising temperatures have on the reindeer.