While the new year is just beginning, we are still left with the dramatic weather extremes caused from years and years of damage to the environment. For America, the new year brought in one of the biggest blizzards to date.
With 2017 behind us, and what a year it was, 2018 is now upon us. We have taken everything that is coming up in 2018 and outlined it in this article. From the increase in your bills to transport, new reporting measures and even smart meters. Energy in 2018 is our most comprehensive article to date.
The world renowned tech giant Google is celebrating its latest achievement of running solely on 100% renewable energy, in both its data centres and offices. The goal of running on 100% renewable energy was set back in 2016 and has been achieved quite quickly thanks to Google investing quite a lot of money into renewable energy over the years.
Earlier this year, a 20-year-old Killer Whale washed up on the Scottish island of Tiree after becoming entangled in fishing ropes. This has not been the first report, nor the last of sea life fatalities to take place this year, however, this is one of significance as the Killer Whale was also found to have ingested high levels of toxic pollutants.
Not only have we seen the rise of wildfires and hurricanes over the years, especially during 2017, but we have also seen the rise in heatwaves. This increase does not come as too much of a surprise as Global temperatures continue to rise.