With the rate of extreme weather increasing the likeliness of wildfires this year, we have also seen an increase in the number and intensity of hurricanes, not only in the USA but also in Ireland. This year alone we have seen three major hurricanes, one in category 5 and two in category 3, all taking place within just three short months.
The negative effects of climate change become more obvious and drastic by the year. Climate change does not only increase global temperatures, but it also plays a huge role in weather extremes and natural disasters such as wildfires.
With the scrapping of the Carbon Reduction Commitment (CRC), the Government has decided to offset the loss in revenue to the Exchequer by increasing the rates of CCL with effect from the 1st April 2019. Below is a table that shows the current rates and the promulgated increases for the coming years:
A CCA is a voluntary contractual agreement between an organisation and the Government Regulator – in this case, the Environment Agency (EA). The organisation, usually an industrial company, agrees to report energy use against a target to the EA.
The need to phase out the use of traditional fuels is now higher than ever before, with many procedures being put into place globally to help achieve this. Car manufacturers, such as Maserati, are coming up with innovative ways to phase out the need for all fuel and enhance the demand for electric and hybrid vehicles. This all stems from several countries government’s, including the United Kingdom and Germany, announcements of aiming to ban the production of all diesel and petrol-fuelled cars by 2040.