The deadline for the permitting of Tranche A 5-50 MW generators with emissions of NOx above 500mg/m3 which operate for more than 50 hours a year is the 1st October 2019.
The new Environmental Reporting Guidelines, which come into effect from 1st April 2019, replaced the guidance on Mandatory Greenhouse Gas Reporting (MGHG) that was contained in the previous version of the guidance.
We began our Energy in 2018 article stating what a year 2017 had been, but we think it’s safe to say that 2018 was even more eventful – so we hope you are prepared for 2019.
The Industrial Biotechnology Landscape Report: UK Industrial Biotechnology Framework and Strategy, released at the University of Sheffield on 31st October 2017, assesses the importance of Industrial Biotechnology (IB) for the UK economy and provides an analysis of IB in the UK relative to competitor countries.
For decades the importance of dealing with energy and energy management has not been at the forefront for most businesses. Much of this is because businesses believed energy was a fixed cost and lacked an understanding of how, when and what to do to manage their energy properly and sometimes even why proper energy management is important.