The need to phase out the use of traditional fuels is now higher than ever before, with many procedures being put into place globally to help achieve this. Car manufacturers, such as Maserati, are coming up with innovative ways to phase out the need for all fuel and enhance the demand for electric and hybrid vehicles. This all stems from several countries government’s, including the United Kingdom and Germany, announcements of aiming to ban the production of all diesel and petrol-fuelled cars by 2040.
Thanks to a gusty start to the summer, during one lunchtime in June the UK managed to produce more than half its electricity demand across one hour from renewables. This is only the second time that this has happened, with the first occurrence just a couple of months earlier, in April.
Email evidence shows that employees at the US Department of Agriculture (USDA) have been advised to avoid using the term ‘climate change’ in their work, and should replace it with ‘weather extremes’ instead.
The Capacity Market was introduced by the government to ensure the UK’s electricity supply continues to meet demands whilst more unpredictable renewable generation comes online. The Capacity Market will also provide assurance against the possibility of future blackouts during times when demand is high, or renewable generation is low.
During the first two months of 2017, power generation in the U.S. was head-to-head in renewable versus nuclear. Nuclear took the lead in January and February at 20.75%, whilst renewables came in at 20.20%.