Trade figures based on data from September 2019, suggest there are a total of 1,277 hospitals in the United Kingdom; this includes both NHS Trust managed sites and private hospitals. Add on an extra twenty hospitals (the amount the government pledges to build) and that brings the potential total to 1,297 in the UK.
Every day, we are encouraged to take action against climate change. No matter where you go for your daily instalment of news and information, whether its a website, television or social media, you can guarantee that you will come across at least one story that highlights the impact we are all having on the environment and the importance of change.
Both our Energy in 2018 and Energy in 2019 articles gave detail to the number of changes that were taking place in the energy management sector; 2020 is a year that will see such legislation come fully into force.
School lunches, overnight hospital stays and hotel dining; they all have one thing in common; kitchens. When you don’t cook your own meal, you remove the connection and a fundamental part of the process; running equipment to cook food.
The deadline for the permitting of Tranche A 5-50 MW generators with emissions of NOx above 500mg/m3 which operate for more than 50 hours a year is the 1st October 2019.